
"Turonbank" replenished its branches with Hitachi iH-110 (Magner 165)

At the beginning of July 2021, the Joint-Stock Commercial Bank "Turonbank" supplemented the cash desks of its branches with Hitachi iH-110F/Magner 165F banknote counters and sorters. The selection of the supplier was made based on the results of the tender.
Счетчик банкнот Hitachi iH-110 (Magner 165) в Ташкенте, Узбекистане
Banknote counter-sorter Hitachi iH-110 (Magner 165)
About the bank: JSCB "Turonbank" is one of the first commercial banks in the country (founded in November 1990). It has 20 branches in all regions of the Republic. In December 2021, the international rating agency S&P Global Ratings again approved the Turonbank credit line at the B/B level, approving the outlook as Stable.