
"Uzpromstroybank" operates on Magner 350 (Hitachi ST-350)

JSCB "Uzpromstroybank" tested the four-pocket banknote sorter Magner 350 (Hitachi ST-350) for three months. Thanks to the positive experience of employees, the bank purchased devices in September.
Cортировщик банкнот Magner 350 (Hitachi ST-350)​ в Ташкенте, Узбекистане
Four-pocket bill sorter Magner 175F (Hitachi ST-150 NF)
About the bank: JSCB "Uzpromstroybank" is one of the oldest in the Republic, it was founded on October 28, 1922. In 2020, it was recognized as the winner in the "Best Local Bank" category in the AsiaMoney magazine "Best Bank 2020" competition. At the end of 2019, the Association of Banks of Uzbekistan and the rating agency "Ahbor-Reyting" recognized the investment activity of "Uzpromstroybank" as the highest among commercial banks in the country.